A year in India

Not actually a year but 11 months. An account of my stay in India. Many of my friends and colleagues suggested that I keep them up to date - now I can see how many of them are really interested!!!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Busy day

A reasonably short post today because it’s late (23.20) and my bed is beckoning. Despite the still very high temperature I had a very active day yesterday. First of all I was awoken at 7.30 by the rubbish collector requesting money. I feel he is fleecing me but as he doesn’t speak English and I don’t speak Hindi further communication seems unlikely. After giving 100 rupees he left with my rubbish. Anyhow I couldn’t get back to sleep so I spend at least an hour playing Sudoku. Later I went to the national museum http://www.nationalmuseumindia.gov.in/ where foreigners pay 300 rupees to enter while locals pay 10 rupees (I know there is good reason but it still annoys me). There was a pre-recorded audio guide. The guide spoke clearly in mainly comprehensible English but the numbering system was all messed up starting at 1 going on to 2,3,4, then 5 and 6 were no where to be found continuing with 7 (eventually I found 5 and 6 in an entirely different room – Hercule Poirot would have failed to match each piece with its audio guide). Despite this annoyance, the museum was interesting though not worth killing yourself to see if you have limited time in India/Delhi.

Then I went off to the gym. I had tried to go on Friday but it was closed, that is to say closed down and demolition starting. Then I remembered a strange SMS I had received saying alternative arrangements had been made for me at DLTA at 1 Africa Avenue. Of course my driver had no clue what DLTA or where exactly on Africa Avenue number 1 might be but after some searching we arrived at the Delhi Lawn Tennis Association where my gym also has a branch. I had a good workout (surprising as I hadn’t been since before my Africa trip). Then I went shopping to buy a toaster and got this fab toaster/griller combination (just as well as I think my gas will run out there the relocation agency is not hopeful about getting a replacement gas cylinder). Then I went to mass where the priest was from Dublin. It was so nice to hear an Irish accent and I shamelessly monopolized his time after mass finding out he was from Dublin, his parents from Tipperary, his length of time in India and other facts. Then I went home, used the new griller to make toasted sandwiches tried to watch the Ryder Cup which was on Friday night but not Saturday night. Fortunately I was able to see it again today and even better Europe won by a mile.


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