A year in India

Not actually a year but 11 months. An account of my stay in India. Many of my friends and colleagues suggested that I keep them up to date - now I can see how many of them are really interested!!!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

One of my faithful readers

As you know (if you can keep up with my travels) I traveled to London for the weekend to attend a wedding. I stayed in London Friday traveled down for the wedding Saturday back up on Sunday. The wedding was great fun – it was pretty small about 80 people and as I’ve known both bride and groom for over 8 years, I knew a lot of the guests either really or by reference so it was good fun. I shared a room with the bride’s niece who I never met but had once searched Michigan Avenue in a vain quest to find some discontinued perfume. It’s always good to put a face to a name. The wedding was in Exeter and I took the train down – ‘twas strange to be on that train again as I was a frequent traveler when I lived in Plymouth 1998-2000 (Exeter being on the rail line between Plymouth and London). The weather was exceptionally good and the countryside looked spectacular. The bride looked great and the groom wore a kilt; he’s a brave man to wear a kilt in the company of some of the guests!

On Sunday, my friend C met me from the train, we went for lunch and then we went to meet N. N is my brother’s-in-law sister – she said that made us sisters-in-law but I’m not really sure. I really like N even though my niece M has declared N her favourite aunt and I am only trotting behind in popularity. It was nice to meet up – we went to the cinema which was great as I haven’t been to the cinema in India. I know India has the world’s largest film industry but as I explained to N, there are difficulties (pardon my shameless recycling of earlier material but it’s gone midnight and if I were sensible I would be in bed and there would be no blogging but where’s the fun in that)

My first email
It was great to see you on Sunday. The company and film were great. The memory will sustain for the long period of my current stay in India (20 days!!!)
Finally if you want to come to India, I have loads of space and would love to see you (and I reckon it’s much nicer to visit India than to live here).

Her reply
Hi. Was great to see you as well - what a pity you can't go to the cinema more often - why exactly? I guess I will find out on the blog!
Hope the flight wasn't too dull. Will look up India fares - sounds tempting!
Take care and I'll check in on the blog,

My reply
On the cinema, a few problems
* very little personal freedom as I depend on my driver to bring me places and feel guilty to have him waiting outside while I’m watching a film
* guidebooks say women should not go to cinema alone (further reducing opportunities as I have to persuade somebody to come – actually not that hard to do)
* did try to go twice – first time was sold out, second time only showing Indian movies and something that was released in US in 2005!!!!

Must update blog – it’s great to have loyal readers

Her reply
Oh, well, in response to the first I'd say he's delighted to put his feet up for an hour or two while you are off his hands. Only problem is probably making him come back at the right time! Not sure I can solve the second two ...!

See N has inspired me to write (2 long posts today – a miracle). Thank-you N. Now though ‘tis really time for bed, but I want especially to thank C for letting me stay at her recently purchased apartment over the weekend; getting tickets to the Constable exhibition at the Tate; taking me to Hampton court palace on Sunday – ‘tis fab, highly recommended for London visitors and residents but it’s definitely a whole day affair rather than a 2 hour event but needs must when the devil drives.


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