A year in India

Not actually a year but 11 months. An account of my stay in India. Many of my friends and colleagues suggested that I keep them up to date - now I can see how many of them are really interested!!!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Still no internet but have telephone

and telephone number but alas no dialling tone. On Saturday evening 3 men spent at least 2 hours laying cables for internet and phone. I really don't understand why as the previous tenant had internet and telephone so I assumed the cables would still be good. Now an engineer must come and do something so the telephone and internet work. My account executive (a fancy name, I think he is far from an executive) says he will call me today. I am not too hopeful because when I called him uyesterday to ask about the engineer he said first the cable people must come. When I told him the cable people had come he was surprised and asked me to wait while he wnet to verify!!!

In any case when (or if) I get internet at home, there will be some longer posts. Indeed I have one written already but only on my personal laptop not my work laptop.

On an unrelated topic I got my first anonymous comment - it was most complimentary, thank-you anonymous! It's nice to think complete strangers are taking the time to read what I write


Blogger islaygirl said...

how was the team-building? did you bond? did you do things like fall backwards into people's linked arms?
(here via waffley, btw)

24 April, 2006 08:47  
Blogger Helenholiday said...

I didn't really bond - it'a hard top bond when you want to sleep and your colleagues are singing Bollywood songs.

I think this may be a case where international travel makes the traveller more xenophobic rather than embracing the wonderful diversity of this planet.

25 April, 2006 03:48  

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