Back in Chicago
On Friday, March 2nd, I arrived back in Chicago. The weather was bitterly cold as I took a taxi to my friends’ apartment. M & R invited me to stay the first night back which was wonderful as my apartment had been vacant since the tenants had left in early February. Despite carrying all sorts of strange Indian spices and having only been in the country twice since obtaining my green card, I successfully negotiated the US immigration and customs.
On Saturday, all my belongings came out of storage. I was reminded of something my mother often says “Helen, you have so much of this world’s goods”. Well it’s very true. I’m still unpacking a week later (this morning I found some curtains that I have only the vaguest memory of purchasing; also a very cool meat thermometer that I remember contemplating buying but thought I had decided against, seems not)
On Saturday night M & R invited me over to dinner. There’s a group of us who meet up for games every so often and we were doing that night. However when I got to there, I discovered they had organized a surprise welcome back party – the first time ever I had a surprise party. I was very surprised but many people said I didn’t seem surprised at all – probably it was due to the jet lag. At the party were the following
M&R – bought a new apartment, both got new jobs.
E – moved appartment, acquired a long-term boyfriend in my absence. I had never met boyfriend who I insisted on calling “the mysterious X”. E was the friend who forwarded all my mail to India. At least he enjoyed reading the several magazines to which I subscribe.
J – work colleague. You may remember her from the transcontinental gossip. Been promoted in my absence
J – work colleague. Completely rescued me in India by sending over Shiseido skin softener, crystal light and ant poison.
K – work colleague. She sent Clinique pore minimizer to me while I was in India. Retired in my absence
R – work colleague– lost 20 lbs in my absence
P&R – became pregnant in my absence. They were there with their adorable daughter K who has got much much better at walking since I left and is getting more bilingual by the day
I – the friend I met in Singapore. Bought her first apartment while I was away. Also interviewing for other jobs
G – got engaged in my absence. Also fiancée broke off the engagement – poor guy
T – the friend I met in Sydney. Is now an official architect.
Also there were D and M. M – no significant news that I know about. Meeting M for dinner tonight so will check for gossip.
It really was a wonderful evening. I am very lucky to have such great friends (especially M&R). And it’s very very nice to be back.
I plan one more blog entry probably next weekend and then I’ll be finishing a year in India blog.